
World Missions Summit 2017; Day 1

It is 1 am in Houston but I just wanted to tell you all about my first day at WMS! Out of respect for the missionaries I will not be giving any names or descriptions of people because in sensitive nations it could make their already dangerous lives even more so.

How I got there:

So I made it! First flight (since I was like 2 years old) so there were some challenges. But that’s ok. I missed my flight (5:15am) but I was able to say bye to both of my parents and I got on another flight 30 minutes later (to Philly) so no biggie. I was a little scared (aka completely freaking out) at take off because it was a small (and I mean SMALL) but it was smooth for the takeoff and the landing. My layover was about 2 hours so I caught a 2 hr nap before I got in my 2nd flight to Houston. That flight was longer so I was able to sleep another 2 hours or so. After arriving in Houston around noon was able to get on the shuttle and go to my hotel pretty easily.


So I checked in and got my stuff at like 2:30 and let me tell you they spoiled us!!! We got a lanyard with our name and schedule, a handmade messenger bag (made by people who were rescued from sex trafficking), a GORGEOUS journal with spaces and prompts for all of the sermons, a pen and several pamplets. Afterwards I went into the exibit hall with friends and then we got lunch. Afterwards I chilled in my room for a while and then went back to the exists to look around more.  I was able to talk to missionaries from Eurasia and Europe. My favorite was talking with a girl who works in India and another lady who lives there with her family  (her husband and children). I got a lot of valuable information (which I will talk about in another post) and in am very interested in missions there in the future.

The Gathering:

The first sermon was amazing! Worship is always wonderful but the sermon was awesome! A man spoke about his experiences being a missionary, to India of all places,and how difficult in the twas but how needed it is as well. In India less than 1/3 of the population will ever hear about Jesus. Northern India is worse than southern India (where Thomas went if I remember correctly) and Hinduism is the main,if not only, religion in many places. The more he spoke the more I felt convicted that God might want to send me there. That is definately going on my prayer list especially for consecration. It was so wonderful though, I am NOT a cryer,at all. Anyone who knows me will back me up on that but I do not think I have cried (actual tears not just tearing up) in a long time. It was a very heavy feeling but it was poseful and heavy in a good way. I got some information about possiblemissions to India both short term and long term so I will be looking into that more and speaking with the contacts I got.

I can not wait for the next couple days I am so excited to see what God has to say to me further! I hope this is fairly clear like said it’s 1am here and I am half asleep lol.

God Bless, and Good night!


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